
December 2019

November 2019

Blue Christmas


Service of Hope & Healing Thursday, Dec. 19th, 7:00 pm Sometimes called a "Blue Christmas" service, this evening service ahead of Christmas recognizes that this season is not always a happy one for everyone. In a dimly lit worship space, we sing hymns, pray, receive the laying on of hands, light candles, hear Bible readings with a homily commentary, and share communion. All who are attend are invited to participate as much or as little as they want; it's okay that not every practice is comfortable for everyone.

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Holden Evening Prayer


Eve of Advent November 30, 4:30 p.m. Holden Evening Prayer: a simple, quiet, musical evening service of word and prayer written by Marty Haugen Together in song and prayer, this service lasts about 30 minutes total. Come and join in the prayerful music on the eve of Advent. This is a family-friendly, all ages service of singing.

Holden Evening Prayer2019-11-23T19:51:14-08:00

September 2019

SIR Gathering


The Southern Interior Region (SIR) Annual Gathering, (formerly, “conference convention”) is happening at Ascension Lutheran in Nelson on Friday, Sept. 27th & Saturday, Sept. 28th.   (more in attached poster) Download the poster.

SIR Gathering2019-11-23T19:51:56-08:00

June 2019

VBS in August


Join us for a week of learning and fun at Vacation Bible School. This year's theme is "Who is My Neighbor?" There is no cost to come, but please fill out the registration form here and bring it to (or mail it to) the church. Download the poster.

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