Last Week at Hills of Peace
Monday, April 13
6:00 pm: Easter Dinner Online
Password: HOPLC
Tuesday, April 14
10 – 10:30 am HoPLC Yoga Class
Live with Linda on Zoom
You will need a chair without arms and a yoga mat (if you have one; but not necessary). Wear non-restrictive clothing and try to have a fairly empty stomach.
Zoom link:
Participants can turn on their video so that we can see each other (as if in a real class), or opt out. The choice is yours!
7 pm: Evening devotions
This simple, short devotional reading and prayer was prepared for you by our confirmation class while they met online:
Wednesday, April 15
10 am: Wednesday Discussion
To be posted online. This week, Pastor Jane and Pastor John will talk about “Gratitude and Other Feelings.”
Thursday, April 16
10:00 am – noon Q&A with Clergy Couple
This is an opportunity to provide responses to the discussion posting from Wednesday morning; and to ask questions of Pastor Jane or Pastor John.
Zoom link:
Call in by phone: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 531-502-975 # #
Friday, April 17
11:30-1:30pm: Pastor Jane’s office hours
Call: 250-299-6983 or Zoom
If you would like to join in any of these but have not be able to figure out the technology; we’re in this together and learning together! Please phone me (250-299-6983) and I will be happy to walk you through the steps to joining in or answer questions you might have.
Sunday, April 19
9:30 am: Coffee
10:00 am: Worship
Same login info as for Coffee
11:00 am – 1:00 pm: Church Open for Prayer
Later Sunday afternoon, the recorded video of Sunday morning’s service will appear here and on the church Facebook page.
Previous Weeks
Saturday, March 21st
9:30-11:30am Zoom drop-in (everyone)
Bring your Coffee/Tea & find out from Pastor Jane: “How do I use Zoom?” drop-in anytime Saturday 9:30-11:30am.
phone in (conference call): +1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 596345599
Sunday, March 22
Service of the Word has been recorded and posted online and available here and also through our Facebook page. Also, here’s a clip from the prayers and Taize at the church (livestreamed on Zoom).
Taize/Prayers at the Church
Additionally, this Sunday, 9:00am-1:00pm, our church building will be open with limited-numbers-at-a-time access for drop-in, open-house style prayer and Taize singing. Chairs will be distanced. An offering plate will be set out as well.
You may drop-in via online viewing (you will not be able to be heard: live viewing & listening only, as well as chat with other Zoom participants) using this link:
conference call: +1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 773117625
Online Supper & Games (Young adults)
Make supper, turn on your computer and connect with friends.
7:00-9:00pm meet-up: Zoom link:
Wednesday, March 25
Theological Discussion posted at 10am
Pastor Jane Gingrich and Pastor John Boyd discuss “The Eucharist in light of COVID-19” at
Lord’s Prayer at Noon
Youth Confirmation Class
Kids’ Club / Youth Drop-in
Kids of all ages are invited to join in as works for them to do some silly fun activities together on Wednesday evening 5:00-6:00pm:
Lenten worship with Northern Region live
Pastor Diana Edis (Prince Rupert) and Pastor Fleming Blishen (Prince George) alternate the hosting of online worship services mid-week during Lent. You may join in and participate in the service at 6:30pm on Wednesdays:
Thursday, March 26
Q&A with a Clergy Couple
Pastor Jane and Pastor John will be available for conversation and questions, 10:00-11:00am, bring a hot drink and join in at this link:
conference call: +1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 115762176
Bible Study: Fear and Anxiety to Peace
Join in the devotion and Bible study hosted by Pastor Jane 2:00-3:00pm on Thursday at this link:
conference call: +1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 555505607
*Choir practice*, 5:30 p.m.
Have your music ready; we’re going to see if this will work online.
Choir members’ link:
conference call: +1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 381474598
Friday, March 27
morning Parents/Grandparents & kids Meet-up
All ages of parents/ grandparents/ guardians and kids are welcome for this drop-in meet-up. If appropriate, the kids might like to join on their own device. 10:00am-11:30am
Join online link:
Friday lunch together: 11:30am-1:30pm
Bring your own lunch and click on the link to see friends and connect through computer or conference call.
online link:
conference call: +1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 787443708
Saturday, March 28
Tea & Interactive Trivia with St. George’s Anglican
11:00am–noon Join online link:
conference call: +1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 627101690
Sunday, April 5 (Palm Sunday)
10 am: Live Palm Sunday Worship
co-led by Pastor Jane Gingrich & Pastor John Boyd.
Zoom meeting space will open at 9:00am for conversation and sound adjustments. Prayers will begin at 9:30am; Palm Sunday worship will be at 10am.
Video of the service here. (Unfortunately, we encountered a technical issue during the Creed. After that, please say the Lord’s Prayer yourself and, if you wish, sing the Sending Hymn, #339 “Christ, the Life of All the Living”)
1 pm Pray on Sundays
Joining in with Christians around the city, pray together on Sundays at 1:00pm. A suggested prayer is offered in this month’s Shalom; but any prayer is welcome and every prayer is acceptable.
Monday, April 6
7 pm: Evening devotions
Simple devotion of readings and prayer bring us together at the start of Holy Week
Tuesday, April 7
10 – 10:30 am HoPLC Yoga Class
Live with Linda on Zoom
You will need a chair without arms and a yoga mat (if you have one; but not necessary). Wear non-restrictive clothing and try to have a fairly empty stomach.
Zoom link:
Participants can turn on their video so that we can see each other (as if in a real class), or opt out. The choice is yours!
7 pm: Evening devotions
This simple, short devotional reading and prayer was prepared for you by our confirmation class while they met online:
Wednesday, April 8
10 am: Wednesday Discussion
To be posted online. This week, Pastor Jane and Pastor John will talk about what it means to be a “Dying church” in today’s world.
7 pm: Evening devotions
As we move towards the start of the Three Days, this devotional reading and prayer tell of Jesus’ last days with disciples:
Thursday, April 9
11am – noon Q&A with Clergy Couple
This is an opportunity to provide responses to the discussion posting from Wednesday morning; and to ask questions of Pastor Jane or Pastor John.
Zoom link:
Call in by phone: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 531-502-975
2 -3 pm: Bible Study: Lazarus and Us
Join in a deeper conversation about the Gospel reading on the resurrection of Lazarus and what that means for us. Everyone is welcome to join the Zoom Bible study.
Zoom link:
Phone call: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 282-360-833
7 pm: Maundy Thursday service
pre-recorded on YouTube here
Friday, April 10
11:30-1:30pm: Pastor Jane’s office hours
Call: 250-299-6983 (no Zoom option this week)
3 pm: Good Friday Worship
Pre-recorded services on YouTube
Saturday, April 11
10:00 pm: Holy Saturday Vigil
Our Holy Saturday Vigil will be “live” on zoom tomorrow night at 10:00pm. Plan to have a Bible, candle, matches/lighter, and snacks or drink with you. Everyone will be invited to participate.
Saturday Vigil link (for 10:00pm Apr.11th):
Our password is: HOPLC
Conference call option: 1-778-907-2071 (long distance charges apply; check to make sure you have a good long-distance plan or free nationwide long distance)
Meeting ID: 936-300-045# #
Friday March 27
10:00pm – Facebook Livestream Night Prayer
Go to our church Facebook page (you don’t need an account). Watch and join in to a brief time of prayer at 10pm tonight; or go to our page after tonight and scroll down to find the video.
Saturday, March 28
11am-12pm: Trivia online
As our soup lunch had to be cancelled, try joining in some trivia online using this Zoom link and socialize with friends:
You can also phone in for a conference call to this online trivia meet-up:
Phone: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 627-101-690
12:30-1:30pm: Help using Zoom
With many opportunities to use “Zoom” to see each other and talk with each other during the week, this is a time offered to help you figure out how to use this program on your computer or phone.
Click the link at the end of this paragraph, allow Zoom to be downloaded to your computer or device, agree to let it use your microphone and camera (if you have them!), then click “join” and Pastor Jane will be visible on your screen. To download and use Zoom, use this link:
Saturday afternoon: Labyrinth
Drop-by the church for a walk, or drive-by to see the labyrinth that will be chalked on the parking lot. This meditative tool will be a way for us to connect, knowing that we are all praying for each other in these days.
Sunday, March 29th
9am-12pm: Worship & Council Installation (via Zoom)
Drop-by for online viewing of prayerful worship time.
Zoom link for worship:
Our newly elected council will be installed around 11am:
- Council Chairperson – Suzanne Legault
- Vice-chair – Phillip Sigalet
- Secretary – Nancy Bepple
- Treasurer – Ava Dolder
- Member at large – Herta Shannik
- Member at large – Paul Hu
- Member at large – Ina Graham
For those who wish to stop by in-person to pray, there are explanations on-site for appropriate distancing and an offering plate available. The open-house prayer service will be ongoing for drop-in 9:00-12:00noon.
10:00am: Service of the Word
watch pre-recorded worship anytime after 10am Sunday morning (also posted on Facebook)
1:00pm Pray on Sundays
Around the community in Kamloops, Christians are invited to pray together at 1:00pm. Join in praying from wherever you are at 1:00pm on Sundays.
Sunday Night Supper for Young Adults
Bring your supper and join in conversation and games online
Zoom link:
Wednesday April 1st
10:00 a.m. Discussion: Pastor Jane & Pastor John
Watch for a pre-recorded discussion by Pastor Jane and Pastor John on “Intergenerationalism, Communication, and Connection while Isolated.” (Will be posted Wednesday)
3:30-5:00pm Confirmation Class
Zoom link:
5:00-6:00pm Kids/Youth Meet-up
Join the Zoom call for around-the-house silliness and activities for school-aged children and youth, Zoom link:
Thursday, April 2nd
11am – noon Q&A with Clergy Couple 11am-12pm
Follow-up after listening to the posted discussion, or simply join in to have a conversation. Pastor Jane and Pastor John are available to Hills of Peace & St. George’s congregations:
Zoom link:
Call in by phone: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 531-502-975
2-3pm – Bible Study: Lazarus and Us
Join in a deeper conversation about the Gospel reading on the resurrection of Lazarus and what that means for us. Everyone is welcome to join the Zoom Bible study.
Zoom link:
Phone call: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 282-360-833
4:00 p.m. Choir Singing
Choir, watch for an email from Carol Gregg for details
Friday, April 4th
10-11:30am Parents / Grandparents & Tots
Meet-up for parents, guardians, and grandparents with little one who want to connect on Fridays. Now we meet online!
Zoom link:
11:30-1:30pm Pastor Jane’s office hours, online
Drop-by on Zoom for a conversation or to check-in.
Zoom link:
Regular cell phone (not Zoom): 250-299-6983 (call anytime)