What to Expect
When you arrive at Hills of Peace Lutheran Church on a Sunday morning, you will be greeted by a member of the congregation who is handing out hymn books and service program bulletins. This person might offer some extra hints about the worship service and is available to answer any questions when you first arrive.
Inside the bulletin, you will find some general information, announcements for the week, and the service order with page numbers. On the cover and back of the bulletin are the readings for the morning. (Hills of Peace follows the Revised Common Lectionary).
You are welcome and invited to participate in or sit out during any and all aspects of the service, as is comfortable for you.
Worship will include:
- engaging in an opening rite of either confession and forgiveness or thanksgiving for baptism
- singing hymns
- listening to Bible readings
- hearing a sermon interpretation of Bible readings and a short children’s message
- standing or sitting for the praying of prayers
- sharing the peace with a handshake or hug or sitting quietly to indicate a preference for little or no contact
- giving an offering if you wish
- coming forward to receive communion; and being greeted by congregation members and the pastor.
At the end of worship, everyone is greeted by the pastor as they leave the worship space (nave and sanctuary) into the main entrance area (narthex). Coffee, tea, and cookies are served for all. You are invited to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with baking and meet some of the other worshipers, if you are comfortable doing so.
Hills of Peace primarily uses the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal (“the cranberry book”).
Our pastor always welcomes phone calls, text messages, and emails. You can find her contact information here.